$DUO Token
Token Info
Name: Monopoly L2 Token π
Symbol: $DUO
Contract Address: 0x322F15d4BEDaa20C178fb75b2628663D2dA19736
Chain: Arbitrum
$DUO token emission is subject to be reduced according to inflation
Emission rate
0.8 $DUO / sec
9.09% Eco commission for project growth and cooperation
9.09% $DUO eco commission from emission will be used exclusively for future partnerships with other farms and vaults. None of this commission will ever be sold to the open market, which would negatively affect the price of the $DUO token.
Premined $DUO
8,000 $DUO for initial liquidity provide
$DUO emission after launch
Mining: 2,419,200 $DUO Max (69,120 $DUO / Day)
Eco commission: 241,920 $DUO Max (6,912 $DUO / Day)
Referral: 72,576 $DUO Max (upto 2,073.6 $DUO / Day)
Total 2,741,696 $DUO Max
Based on 5 weeks (35 days) of operation period.
Eco commission won't be sold to the market.
Referral won't be mined if a user deposits without referral.
Last updated